September 24, 2020
Only approximately 239,00 miles away from the Earth, there is no doubt that the extraordinary, celestial mass in our night sky-- The Moon-- has powerful control over the Earth and its people.
While the Sun represents masculine energy, the Moon represents the utmost powerful feminine energy. She signifies intuition, birth, death, and reincarnation and represents our hidden emotions, desires, worries, and self-work.
Spiritually, she acts as our Mama, subtly reminding her children that everything on Earth is ever-changing and follows a natural cycle. She offers us the ability to feel, nourish, learn from the past, and creatively unlock and express our authentic selves.
The Moon & Her Phase Meanings
The moon cycle can be described as changes in appearance created by changing angles or positions of the moon, in relation to the earth and the sun. It is believed that each phase has its own spiritual circumstances. Moon cycles are very similar to the cycle of life: a seed grows into a thriving adult, then into a wise elder. We can use the knowledge and energy of the Moon’s cycle to better connect to ourselves. Once we attune to the Moon, we can activate her innate powers and embody her qualities of fluidity, creativity, femininity, and change.

The New Moon
The New Moon is the first phase in the Lunar cycle. It occurs when The Moon comes into direct alignment in the Sun. When the Sun becomes possessive of the Moon and he does not want to share her beauty with the Earth, we are shown emptiness representing a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s time to rest and begin planting new seeds of desire and intention by writing them down. This is the time to meditate and gently breathe new life into any areas of stagnation in which you wish to thrive.
The Waxing Crescent Moon
The Waxing Crescent Moon follows the New Moon. A slimmer of the Moon is being shone to Earth-- and honestly, she looks like a toenail. This phase represents stepping with intention. It is time to commit to focusing on one thing-- whether that be love, discipline, or a miracle. You must have a clear idea of your destination before you set out to achieve it. During meditations, you want to practice visualizations of your wish materializing and hum a solidifying affirmation. Continue writing your new moon intention clearly, we recommend using The 5x5 Power Manifestation Technique.
The Waxing Quarter Moon
The Waxing Quarter Moon follows the Waxing Crescent Moon. The Sun and Moon square each other. The showdown is pretty intense and as the Moon gains advantage, she challenges you to begin planning. During your practice of writing your clear call to action daily, you have probably run into some difficulties. Look at the challenges you currently face and make decisions about how you want to proceed. During meditations, you want to focus on your challenges in every light being mindful that they are your greatest teachers.
The Waxing Gibbous Moon
The Waxing Gibbous Moon follows the Waxing Quarter Moon. The Moon is almost free of the Sun’s shadow. She now represents refinement. This is your time to take massive action on the behalf of your intended desire-- go ahead and send that heart-filled letter or directly call the hiring manager. Allow yourself to acknowledge all of the mental energy you have created for this moment and use it wisely. This is the most crucial stage in manifestation-- you need to take action!
The Full Moon
The Full Moon follows the Waxing Gibbous. The Sun and the Moon are in harmony and the Sun reflects his brilliance off the Moon’s surface, creating her own light for us to use. This phase represents intense thoughts and powerful breakthroughs. Full moons are thought to influence humans so powerfully, there is a record of heightened emotions and even psychosis. This is the time to reflect. Allow yourself to analyze what’s working for you--or what’s not. Celebrate this realization-- this is the universe connecting with you.
The Waning Gibbous Moon
The Waning Gibbous Moon follows the Full Moon. The Sun has shared the brilliance of his Moon with us and slowly begins to hide her from the world again. This phase represents gratitude. This is the time to be grateful for the guidance of Mama Moon and consider her message. Allow yourself to embrace the ease of letting go and stop blocking yourself from having what you truly desire.
The Waning Quarter Moon
The Waning Quarter Moon follows the Waning Gibbous Moon. The Sun and the Moon square each other again. After an intense showdown, the Sun gains advantage, and the Moon begins to encourage forgiveness. This phase represents doing internal and shadow work. You should become more committed to yourself during this phase. Although, this phase is all about you showing up for yourself, listen intently for direction and guidance from Mama Moon.
The Waning Crescent Moon
The Waning Crescent Moon follows the Waning Quarter Moon. The Sun has almost complete possession of the Moon, you can only see a glimpse of her beauty. This phase represents surrender. Evaluate how you have changed since you wrote your New Moon intention. Consider how you want to change strategy and get organized for the next New Moon.
The New Moon Ritual
What is a New Moon Ritual?
A New Moon Ritual is a practiced mediation that focuses on planting seeds of intention and manifesting new desires. Do this sacred ritual at the beginning of the moon cycle to increase the intensity of which dream you wish to become reality. Always start with a clear goal.
How to Do a New Moon Ritual:
1. Create The Ambience: You want to create an atmosphere that supports your ritual goals. It's the New Moon which represents new beginnings and urges prosperity. Set the tone of ritual to one that is calming and relaxing. A good place to start is by smudging with a Blue Sage Smudge Stick while vibing with some high-frequency music. Feel yourself becoming connected with the moment and focused.
2. Establish A Connection With The Divine: Call upon your guides, angels, the universe to help you with your issue. This is a good time to say a prayer. In that prayer, first, express gratitude, then recall your intention.
3. Write What You Wish To Manifest: Write an affirmation that confirms the intention of your wish. For intention setting during the New Moon Ritual, we recommend: writing the name of the person the dream involves 3x (this can be yourself), clearly defining your wish 6x, and then writing how this wish will materialize 9x.
Name: Jullie, Julie, Julie
Wish: We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship, We will rekindle our friendship.
How it Will Materialize: She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will text me soon, She will next me soon, She will text me soon.
4. Speak your desires aloud: Start by lighting a new candle. Then, read your desires aloud. As you read this desire aloud, speak about the journey that has driven you to this moment, speak about how much you deserve what you are asking for, speak about this desire benefits others and yourself. You must EVOKE EMOTION. This step should feel like a much-needed venting session with your best friend. As you speak, watch everything you speak go up into the universe by your candle's flame.
5. Meditate: Take this time to sit still and practice breathing exercises. Listen to music in the background while you visualize your dream becoming reality.
6. Move along: Don't forget to mindful of your intention during all of the Moon cycles. Use the Moon and her phases as a guide on how to carry out your manifestation.
The Full Moon Ritual
What is a Full Moon Ritual?
A New Moon Ritual is a practiced mediation ceremony that focuses on self-reflection, release, and celebration to summon powerful intuitive breakthroughs. This is the time of the month when The Moon's powerful energy is most felt here on Earth. This celebration takes place halfway through the Moon's cycle.
How to Do A Full Moon Ritual:
1. Create the ambiance: You want to create an atmosphere that supports your ritual goals. The Full Moon represents reflect and release. Set the tone of ritual to one that is empowering. A good place to start is by smudging with a White Smudge stick while vibing with some low-frequency music. Feel yourself becoming connected with the moment and focused.
2. Write it out: This is the time to reflect on the past few weeks. Think about: How has each moon phase affect you? What has been working for you--or not? Can you identify any areas of opportunity for growth? Write down: What is getting in your way of achieving your desires.
3. Release: First, light a new candle. Say an affirmation of release. Example-- "I am willing to release all my old patterns of fear and insecurity to live with joy and well-being now." Then, burn your written obstacles. They do not exist anymore.
4. Moon Bath: Take a bath and adore yourself. You want to also cleanse your body of any negativity and self-doubt. Take a moon bath, ideally in the bask of the full moonlight.
5. Celebrate: Dance! Sing! Tequila Shots! Celebrating is a crucial step in the Full Moon Ritual. Celebrating is important because it offers gratitude towards the Moon.
6. Move Along: Do not forget to mindful of your intention during all of the Moon cycles. Use the Moon and her phases as a guide on how to carry out your manifestation.